
My Soul Message

Here you can read and get acquainted with our services

About us

The idea of MySouleMessage is to give you a chance to be there next to your loved ones if for any reason something bad will happen to you.

Imagine them getting your message by the time you are not with them anymore. Yes, this is a sad topic to think about but let’s face the truth. No one is insured, anything can happen to us at any unexpected moment in our lives, and the thought, that there would be so many untold words gives us this idea...

To have a system where you can leave your message for the ones you love, which will be kept forever safely. And just only if one unexpected day something will happen to you, they will receive the message from you.

Here you can leave as many messages as you want, to your wife or husband, to your children, your parents and friends, and the ones you have something to say but never can find the right time for it.

In case something happens to you and we won’t get an email confirmation, our regional representatives will try to reach out to your friends with the contact information you have shared with us to be 100 % sure your message must be sent.

After this procedure, your message will be sent.